Lieutenant Colonel Mark Ballew graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1986 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Aviation Corps.
During his early career, he served as a Chinook pilot in operational leadership positions at the company and battalion level including flight operations officer and pilot-in-command in combat during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. After completing assignments as a company commander and battalion executive officer, Ballew transitioned to the Army Acquisition Corps focusing on the development, procurement and sustainment of aviation platforms and support equipment. He served the remainder of his 20-year Army career in acquisition leading several critical roles: Operational Test Officer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Special Mission Equipment Aircraft, the Assistant Product Manager for Air Traffic Control Systems, and Product Manager for Aviation Ground Support Equipment. In his last military assignment, Ballew served as the Commander, Defense Contract Management Agency at Boeing Aircraft in Philadelphia where he was responsible for leading more than 120 personnel managing 5,100 government contracts valued at over $32 billion.
Ballew is a graduate of the Material Acquisition Management Course, the Command and General Staff College, and is Level III Acquisition Certified in Test and Evaluation and Program Management. He completed his career as a Senior Army Aviator, accumulating more than 2,000 flight hours, and serving in numerous leadership positions around the world.
He is currently serving as the Senior Director of Business Development for Boeing’s International Government and Defense Business. During his 15 years at Boeing, he has been responsible for the sale of over 1,000 military aircraft, including sustainment and training, to 29 countries with total sales exceeding $45 billion.
Ballew and his wife, Tammy, reside in Alexandria, VA.