Lieutenant Colonel Howe’s exemplary military career spanned 25 years of selfless service to our Nation. His service began in 1998 upon his commissioning at the Citadel as an Air Defense Officer. His distinguished career culminated as the Professor of Military Science (PMS) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, a duty he performed from 2018 to 2023 with remarkable results.
As PMS, LTC Howe excelled. The program grew by 33% and was awarded the General Douglas MacArthur award in 2021. This award is given to the Army ROTC Brigade’s best battalion. Under his leadership, the ROTC Battalion has consistently ranked in the top 10% of programs in the Nation. As he completed his military career, he was recognized as the best PMS in the 7th Army ROTC Brigade.
His previous assignments included service as the executive officer for the Army Central Command Deputy Commanding General (Operations) with duty in Kuwait. He later served as an assignment officer for the Air Defense Artillery Branch and the Active Component Distribution Chief for the Human Resources Command at Fort Knox. In 2016, LTC Howe served as the commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado.
LTC Howe and his wife, Amy, chose to remain in Knoxville. He has taken a leadership role in the Mountain Man Memorial March to ensure the event’s success for many years to come.