
Army ROTC Alumni Council

The Army ROTC Alumni Council promotes the growth, progress, and welfare of UT’s Army ROTC program and alumni. Members support UT ROTC cadets and cadre, build camaraderie with and provide assistance to alumni around the world, and honor distinguished or fallen alumni.

Army ROTC Alumni present the colors in Neyland Stadium
Members of the Army ROTC during a Homecoming parade


Develop and maintain an effective network of alumni and friends, providing support to both alumni and the Army ROTC program

Recognize distinguished or fallen alumni

Provide scholarships and grants to support ROTC program cadets and activities

Mentor, assist, and build camaraderie among alumni worldwide

Foster a closer relationship with UT faculty, leadership, and Office of Alumni Relations


  • The value of the UT Knoxville Army ROTC Alumni Council Scholarship Endowment is approaching $90,000 (as of 2025), thanks to the generosity of council members and friends. 

  • Since 2018, we’ve given a $250 scholarship to a deserving freshman, sophomore, and junior cadet each year. In 2023 we increased this to $500 each for the three scholarships from our endowed scholarship fund, for a total of $1500. Based on our current scholarship endowment, we expect to award approximately $3500 during academic year 2024-25. 

  • In 2023-2024, based on the past success of our fundraising golf event, we donated $1500 to our endowed scholarship fund.  

  • During the February 2024 Alumni Scholarship Challenge, our Army ROTC Alumni Council won the Alumni Council Challenge by having the largest dollar amount donated ($10,135) and the highest number of donors (36).  

  • During the 2025 ROTC Spring Award ceremony, we will award four $875 merit-based scholarships (one cadet in each MS I, II, III and IV class) from our Alumni Council funds, in addition to the approximately $3500 from our ROTC Alumni Council endowed scholarship. 
  • Designated a total of $4000 in support of training and mission needs for the four UT Army ROTC specialty units. Our support included:  

    • For Scabbard and Blade Company: unit sweatshirts and a team-building event. 
    • For Tennessee Dragoon Company: new rifles, flag poles, flag toppers, flag harnesses, spats, boots, and a flag stand. 
    • For Tennessee Marksmanship Unit: an air tank and air card to support their three-point portable air rifle range, and unit sweatshirts and T-shirts. 
    • For Tennessee Ranger Company: T-shirts for the unit to wear while participating in the 2025 Mountain Man Memorial March. 
  • Our council has taken the lead to design and fund a State of Tennessee Historical Marker honoring CPT Larry Taylor, a recent Medal of Honor recipient.  We are working with the UT administration to determine a prominent location to erect the marker on campus. 

    We are also collaborating with the Army ROTC cadre and Mrs. Toni Taylor to obtain mementos and artifacts from CPT Larry Taylor’s extensive personal collection. These items will be proudly displayed in the newly created Larry Taylor Conference Room in the Army ROTC section of the James D. Hoskins Library. 

  • Several years ago, inspired by a suggestion by Ret. COL William D. Guinn (UT Army ROTC PMS 1973-1976), the council spearheaded an effort to establish a Cadet Reading Library.  COL Guinn donated many books from his personal library, as have other UT Army ROTC alumni and friends. The council commits to donating $500 each academic year to purchase additional books for the library. 

  • We support the Mountain Man Memorial March, an event started in 2008 to honor 1LT Frank Walkup IV, a UT graduate commissioned into the US Army from the ROTC program. He was killed during combat while serving in Iraq in 2007.  The event is also an outreach to Gold Star families “to celebrate the service and honor the ultimate sacrifice of these fallen service members.”  

  • In 2016, we established the UT Army ROTC Hall of Fame. In November 2024, we added four new members and one honorary member at our annual induction banquet. Fundraising offsets expenses related to hosting the banquet. 

  • We are proud to have led the effort to establish an Armed Forces Veterans Memorial on UT’s campus. The memorial honors the sacrifices of all former UT students, faculty, and staff since World War I. Members of the ROTC Alumni Council have been instrumental in the planning, design, and fundraising for the memorial, which was dedicated on Sept. 22, 2022. The council hosts an annual ceremony in approximation to Veterans Day that includes ROTC cadets reading the names inscribed on the memorial and a wreath-laying ceremony, in partnership with local Daughter’s of the American Revolution chapters. 

Join Our Council

Applications to join Army ROTC Alumni Council leadership are available upon request. Members are selected during the second staff meeting of the calendar year.

Geoff Freeman, President

John Cardwell, VP for Alumni Networking & Communications
Greg Glass, VP for ROTC Support
Logan Hickman, VP for Alumni Events
Lee Sherbakoff, VP for Development

Doug Dutton, Staff Judge Advocate
Guy Jester, Chaplain
Mark McDonald, Treasurer
Ricky Summitt, Secretary

If you would like to become a member, update your contact information, or just learn more about our activities and upcoming events, please contact John Cardwell at

You can also find the Army ROTC Alumni Council on Connect UT, the professional network for fellow Vols.

Army ROTC Alumni Council Scholarship

Support the Army ROTC Alumni Council Scholarship

Army ROTC Alumni Council member with cadets

Signature Events

The Army ROTC Alumni Council holds events including the Mountain Man Memorial March, the Armed Forces Veterans Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony, Alumni Hall of Fame, annual golf tournament, and Homecoming activities.

For more information on alumni events, contact Logan Hickman at

Signature Events

Hall of Fame

The Army ROTC Alumni Council Hall of Fame honors highly accomplished alumni of UT commissioned through Army ROTC who have made significant contributions to UT’s Army ROTC program. “Honorary” inductees award ROTC cadre or staff members at UT who have made significant contributions to the program.


Nominations are open for the 2025 class are currently open.

Army ROTC alumni talk during the Hall of Fame induction
An orange-and-white checkered golf bag on a green golf course
Signature events

General Neyland Golf Outing

Join the Army ROTC Alumni Council for the 2025 General Robert Neyland Golf Outing on Saturday, May 3, at Three Ridges Golf Course.

Register Online

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