Chancellor’s Associates New Member Nomination

The Chancellor’s Associates program brings together local business and community leaders to learn more about the university, provide feedback to university administration on an array of important topics, and serve as key advocates and supporters to enhance the university’s reputation in the greater-Knoxville area and beyond. The Chancellor’s Associates program began in 1972, and since that time, the university and the community have greatly benefited from the relationships developed through this program.

Important information to consider as you prepare to nominate someone:

  • Chancellor’s Associates members serve a three-year term. New members to this year’s class will serve during the 2025–26, 2026–27, and 2027–28 academic years.
  • There is a $500 annual program membership, which is a tax-deductible gift to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
  • It may be helpful to reference the lists of current Chancellor’s Associates as well as former members of the program who have already completed a term as a Chancellor’s Associate.
  • You will be asked to enter additional supporting information on the next step of this form, which includes information about your nominee’s current and past involvement with UT and Knoxville-area business/community organizations. It may be helpful to gather this information in a Word document and copy and paste your responses into the form.
  • If your nominee is aware that you’re making this nomination, it may be helpful to let them know that approximately 25 new members are selected each year from a nominee pool of approximately 80+.

The deadline to submit nominations for the 2025 new member class is March 28, 2025.

If you have any questions or need to include any additional documentation, please email Eric Haag, Executive Director of Alumni Relations, at