
Volunteer 40 Under 40

Recognizing alumni under the age of 40 excelling personally and professionally since completing their degree at UT.

Volunteer 40 Under 40 graphic with orange and grey squares

Meet the Class of 2025

Nate Bain

Master’s in sport management (’14)

Bachelor’s in sociology (’12)

MBA (’17)

Bachelor’s in nursing (’08)
Master’s in nursing (’13)
DNP (’25)

Bachelor’s in business management (’17)
Master’s in supply chain management (’18)

Bachelor’s in music education (’11)
Bachelor’s in college scholars (’11)

Bachelor’s in communication studies (’15)

Bachelor’s in journalism and electronic media (’13)

Bachelor’s in architecture (’08)

Bachelor’s in communications (’09)
Master’s in communication and information (’11)

Bachelor’s in biochemistry and molecular biology (’09)
Master’s in kinesiology (’12)
PhD in comparative and experimental medicine (’19)

Bachelor’s in communications (’09)

Bachelor’s in food science (’06)
Master’s in food science (’08)
PhD in comparative and experimental medicine (’11)

Bachelor’s in accounting (’12)

Bachelor’s in studio art (’08)

Bachelor’s in journalism and business (’14)
Master’s in public policy and administration (’19)

Bachelor’s in communication studies (’10)
Master’s in higher education administration (’12)

Bachelor’s in geography (’04)
Master’s in geography (’10)

Master’s in agriculture leadership, education, and communication (’18)

Bachelor’s in biochemistry and cellular and molecular biology (’18)

Bachelor’s in political science (’12)

Bachelor’s in history and political science (’11)

Bachelor’s in musical education (’15)

Bachelor’s in sport management (’07)

Bachelor’s in business analytics (’19)

Bachelor’s in supply chain management (’07)

Bachelor’s in Political Science (’11)

Bachelor’s in natural resources and environmental economics (’15)

Bachleor’s in journalism and electronic media and political science (’09)

Doctor of Social Work (’24)

Bachelor’s in economics (’20)

Bachelor’s in sport management (’08)
Master’s in sport management (’10)

Bachelor’s in marketing (’13)

Bachelor’s in mechanical engineering (’15)

Bachelor’s in industrial engineering (’15)

PhD in energy science and engineering (’23)

Bachelor’s in communication studies (’09)
Master’s in journalism and electronic media (’13)

Doctor of social work (’22)

Bachelor’s of biomedical engineering (’08)

Bachelor’s in public administration (’11)

Criteria and Eligibility


  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville, alumni in good standing
  • Significant impact on industry or field
  • 39 years of age or younger by December 31, 2024
  • Civic or professional achievements
  • Outstanding service to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Award winners must be available to attend the in-person Volunteer 40 Under 40 event held February 28, 2025


The following members are NOT eligible for 40 Under 40 Awards:

  • UT Knoxville Board of Directors
  • UT Knoxville Young Alumni Council Members
  • UT Promise Alumni Award Recipients
  • UT Knoxville Advancement Staff Members
  • UT Knoxville 40 Under 40 Steering Committee Members